Welcome to storemychords.com!
A web site for musicians to manage all of their lyrics, chords and tablature.
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exists! The more users out there, the better it will become! :)
At storemychords.com you can manage all your tabs, chords and lyrics. Pull up any song to view and filter your chords,
tabs and lyrics. Export your music in its entirety or in a group to create songbooks, setlists
and songlists of all of your tablature, chords and lyrics on the fly.
- Manage all your chords and tabs
- Save and edit them!
- Manage your own music library
- Export to PDF, TXT and CSV
- Group your songs into custom songlists
for exporting
- Create and export set lists
- Create and export full songbooks
- 1 click to YouTube® video
To get started, enroll from the right side of the page. It only takes a few seconds. Once enrolled
you'll immediately be able to use the application. This web site is FREE. You will not be charged now, later
or EVER. Enjoy.
Browse the FAQ page to answer any common questions. Once enrolled
you'll have access to all the features of the site. Have fun!
©2024 - storemychords.com