
Chord Chart Pages guitar chord chart

While looking around on the web for a great chord reference, I came across a GREAT guitar chord chart that was originally put together by Phillip J. Facoline and I was lucky enough to find it. He calls it "The Ultimate Guitar Chord Chart II" He also openly offered it up to anyone to share as well.

I cleaned it up, re-pdf'd it and put it out here for download. Hopefully you will find it as useful as I have. It's one of the more complete ones I've found over the years. It's about 13 pages and is just over a meg to download.

You can download it using the link below:

The Ultimate Guitar Chord Chart II

Members! You can include this in your songbook exports as an appendix by simply clicking the option on the tools page when you export your songbook. It will be added to the end of your songbook when you export it to PDF.

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